
R&D Projects

EOSS CubeSat 6U (Apulia Region Program in progress)

Thanks to EOSS (Earth Observation Small Satellite), a Region Puglia Program, IMT is developing a 6U CubeSat for Earth Observation, through a panchromatic camera in the visible spectral band.

The main goals of this project are: the study and monitoring of fires, hydrogeological instability, precision farming and so on. In addition, several new technologies will be adopted such as electrical propulsion, C-Band communication and a collaborative mission between a microsatellite (by Sitael) and a nanosatellite (by IMT).

European Funding received by the Apulia Region: €1.110.200,00

  • Operazione cofinanziata con il Fondo Europeo di Sviluppo Regionale Puglia / POR Puglia 2014 - 2020 "Investiamo nel nostro futuro"
  • Asse III - Obiettivo specifico 3a (Attivi materiali) - Azione 3.1,
  • Asse I - Obiettivo specifico 1a - Azione 1.1 (R&S)

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